Up and coming.

Some Copic sketches and an early design of the man of steel. I'm working on a new sequential portfolio for this summer's comic conventions, and one of the things I'm doing is a superman short story.


Lookin' good man.

Coincidentally, I was doing some supes sketches last night.
chRisLee said…
that's really good sketches..
Dude, your line has something special. Seriously, it intrigues me. It has so much energy! It´s inspiring to see how much you have inproved in a couple of years. Admirable. Keep amazing me, pliz.
awesome sketches man! love hte superman sketch!
Anonymous said…
Awesome sketches, man.

And if I may ask: exactly what Copic products are you using on these? I'm looking to upgrade from Pilot Precise pens to something...better. More like Staedtler pens or Koh-i-noors. Any reccomendations?