The Man of Steel

Another attempt at Superman.
EDIT: Beginning to flesh it out into a painting. Maybe this post will become a stepbystep or something.
EDIT2: Expanded and tweaked the composition, Also, Jen said he looked constipated. I argued people lifting heavy things look stupid, but, soon after I saw the light. I like the new version better now. :)


Lettie Lo said…
yay superman!!
i kinda like the rough stages better than the lineless one tho
Agnes Salek said…
Thanks for sharing Braden! This is going to be real interesting to follow :O
Andrew Murray said…
Hey man,

The Superman's alright, but I'd like to see paintings and sketches of Ms. Johansson! *wink wink*
Kyu-bum Lee said…
I love the arial view of the city..
adds epic-ness :)
Garrett Hanna said…
Haven't visited your blog in awhile. Great stuff man. I love your sketchbook pages and the gestures.
Anonymous said…
hahahah if u wanted him to look strained from lifting heavy things you could've furrowed his brows more~ i think ppl lifting things that are heavy for them squint more? hahahahah awesome stuff! ^^
I think the expression is fine, because although it's a heavy object, let's face it, it's bloody Superman. So I don't think he'd have to strain that much.

And in that particular pose it looks like he's already gone through the heavy lift and is at the apex of it.

Good job man, it's coming along nicely. Needs a beard.
Nathan Dickey said…
Sweetness! I agree with the face, at first I protested but then again.... it's superman, carrying that thing is a breeze! You definitely improved the flow of the pose from the original too- FINISH!
Lettie Lo said…
yess! the new facial expression and the pose is much stronger! love the composition better too!
CMAC said…
ill piece so far man...just one little suggestion....some eye contact with the object would be a nice detail and give some focus, and concentration to his face without having to draw it all up again....
his facial expression seems fine compared to what hes got in his superhands....

its not a jumbo jet or city or anything....this is supes afterall. he spins trucks on his pinky.
keep up the sweet shtuff