The Man of Steel

Another attempt at Superman.
EDIT: Beginning to flesh it out into a painting. Maybe this post will become a stepbystep or something.
EDIT2: Expanded and tweaked the composition, Also, Jen said he looked constipated. I argued people lifting heavy things look stupid, but, soon after I saw the light. I like the new version better now. :)
i kinda like the rough stages better than the lineless one tho
The Superman's alright, but I'd like to see paintings and sketches of Ms. Johansson! *wink wink*
adds epic-ness :)
And in that particular pose it looks like he's already gone through the heavy lift and is at the apex of it.
Good job man, it's coming along nicely. Needs a beard.
his facial expression seems fine compared to what hes got in his superhands....
its not a jumbo jet or city or anything....this is supes afterall. he spins trucks on his pinky.
keep up the sweet shtuff