Another direction I might possibly head in with the film. This one is more of a classic pulp adventure tale, which I dont think there is enough of in animation.

EDIT: I've decided to head in this direction. Only instead of a 30 second intro, the entire film is going to be one long epic journey of a man, riding his horse across the desert, to a pyramid in the sands.

HA! I kid, but I am going to take the more Pulpish route.


Jen said…
This is looking great!
Agnes Salek said…
serious biz.

how long are you planning on making your movie?
Braden said…
As long as it takes.
Sam Amanfi said…
i like this..
Andrew Wilson said…
love the pulp!
Kyu-bum Lee said…
e p i c
Andrew Murray said…
who IS the amazing Action Ape?

I want to know it all.

nice banner
Jeffrey Cheung said…
hey i like ur work. u attend sheridan?
Junghoon Yeo said…
very cool man~ I think this has a great potential!
Jeremy Canton said…
I liked it Braden :) Was kind of relaxing actually haha.

To be honest I don't think we should be afraid to break conventional film making. Personally I'm gonna try something a little different than what we've been taught. Maybe it'll go down really wrong, and totally fail, but I'm willing to risk it because it's what "I" want to do.
Adam Temple said…
If you don't finish I won't forgive you. Rear that horse!
Seo Kim said…
thats kool like koolaid. also that jason manley quote was really good. thanks for posting that.