Jesus is %#@!'n metal.

Second year expression change. Only the expression stuff is inbetweened (and not even all of it yet) :S Still in the rough animation stages, expect to see some cleaned up versions of this and other animations at some point. I think from now on this blog will be strictly animations I have done/working on.


Mitchel Kennedy said…

Kyu-bum Lee said…

I'd love to see skeletal fingers at some point :)

Chris Thompson said…
chicka chicka yaa.
awesome stuff dude! definatly look forward to seeing a more cleaned up version even though I do prefer rough animation over all that clean prissy shit since it has more life to it.
Lettie Lo said…

Anonymous said…
hahahahha sooo u!
the lower jaw jutting out is fun ^^
Andrew Murray said…
very nice. It'd be sweet to see a final clean version ha ha ha. no time for that though.
Amanda said…
That is so FUNNY :D Nicely done too.

I had my volume up too loud when I clicked play D:
Dude that´s awesome... I told you before: I love the energy of your drawings! btw is that Lamb of God?
This animation rocks!!
Seo Kim said…
this makes me laugh
this is awesome braden! makes me wanna animate lol.
Braden said…
Thanks everyone. :D Dei, yes It is Lamb of god, the song is called Ruin.
Hahaha Ed man, you should animate more. It's fun as hell. :D